Why use cloth nappies?

Cloth nappies are the healthiest option for your baby, environmentally friendly and cheaper than the other alternatives. On this page, you will find the top five most important advantages of cloth nappies. 

  1. Health

Using cloth nappies is the healthiest diapering option for your baby. Cloth nappies are made of natural and breathable materials - perfect for a baby's sensitive skin! Other advantages: experience has shown that babies who wear cloth nappies get potty trained sooner, and healthy development of the hip joints is supported.

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  1. Environmentally friendly

A baby needs about 25 cloth nappies or around 4,000 disposable nappies for the entire nappy period - a ton of waste (about 10% of the total residual waste). Reusable nappies, therefore, make a significant contribution to prevent waste. Cloth nappies are washable and very durable and the perfect alternative for parents who care about the planet.

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  1. Save money

Cloth nappies are about 60% cheaper than disposable nappies. Many communities encourage purchasing cloth nappies through financial assistance. Another plus: if you take good care of them, you can reuse them for more children.

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  1. Easy to use

Nowadays, cloth nappies are as easy to use as disposable ones – cloth nappies are also washable and reusable. Most of the cloth nappies (except wool) can be washed along with other textiles (e.g. towels) in the washing machine at no extra cost.

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  1. Fun fact

Cloth nappies are available in various colors and designs, which brings joy to daily nappy changes.

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Cloth nappies by Popolini

Popolini cloth nappies are made from natural materials produced in Europe. You will be thrilled how easy and practical it is to use our cloth nappies! We have been selling Popolini nappies in Greece since 1999 and have used them on our own kids! We would love to help you with any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us on 2106229885.

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